dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2013

Beautiful dancer

Beautiful dancer

Oh what a beautiful dancer — is cancer!
It pirouettes at the end of each of the assizes — and it metastasizes!
And then performs a pas de quatre — in a lovely pitter-patter
Pounding lungs liver bone and brain — with corrosive feet of acid rain.

diumenge, 28 de juliol del 2013

more of the same (through the same glass, from different angles?)

Outside the waiting cone, inside as bolt-bestowing Jupiter she


The vigilant isolated cone

His lamentation a wonder waning down the fading hedgerows
with night his infatuation as queer cosmologies
are amid snores drawn
vain metamorphoses among the cobblestones

and weeps the wind
and the progress of the horses’ lips is something to behold
anomalies of a martyr in triumph unmasked

vague bricolage of rotting driftwood
adorns his hirsute skull

the lava of abstruse dialogue pounding his heart
with the archipelagian intricacy of a sorrowful paranoid

metabolizing all these perfectly coherent seawaves of sympathies
so that the outpour becomes in stupor the pith
(the evil abject wisdom-filled pith)
of the insidious puppet whose archaic hat – its tip – crateral spouts
(never ashamed of its acerbic cruelty)
the cathartic stabs of the richly pledgeful sophist
with gloves of acquiescent semiotics
as the foundering orchestra of the tempest has lost delirium

foreshortened peak of conspicuous anonymity
neither epileptic nor grisly
nor any longer harvesting risks and stunts
nor yet gaining harmonic momentum
as for now the old cadence
stunted falters...
and dies.



from the kitchen window, she

it’s the adventure of the universe —
going nowhere fast —
noisy flares, bursts galore, signifying shit

alas once more the aircastle collapses... utterly


next thing she knew the doorbell tolled

something bilious this way comes


the fetus being the phallus

she fucks me with the newest son of some lover

that lover’s latest son enters me
even before he has altogether exited her

oh mystical trinity
wrapped in triphthongs
soon converted into another trivial carnal quadrangle
even a quincunx
(who knows)


follows the appointment
the appointment (duly dully met) of scabrous sentences
in a background where a plangent violin casts its cobwebs

shameful wasp trapped
in their crudest most arcane recesses
leaking like a raincoat

incipits of otiose melodies where with grotesque anguishes
the tenacious nymphomaniac
seduces the rotting lured sacrificial simulacrum


choked by the sneaky snake

intimations of exorbitant techniques

somehow I’m sure that such eucharist
turns the pungent quondam androgynous


embryo’s elixirs whose absorptions prove an ecstasy of sorts

but uterus thieving is the emblem of the satirist

a truce; a truce, will you?


bleeding aspersions collect a phantasmagoria of sublime convictions
as the chasm of routines gapes monotonous


we’ve faced the violation with seeds courageous
and poisons futile

with the fluency of the mnemonist
I’ve descried great billows and frenetic shipwrecks
broken telescopes and several other intricacies
in the naivete of the tiny aquarium


predatory innocence
ephemeral anxieties

the gutter is no tightrope


with the advent of the senile yawn of the earth
the cuckold whips up his ludicrous impulses

into its fungible void the parasite’s been caught


the panic of insomnia
gives way to the won aesthetics

newly replenished, the profaned hole
by lyres lauded
teasingly hears tame aubades


ah the luxuries and feverish cinema
of a schoolgirl’s erotic phenomena

betwixt sundry cosmetics
and saucissons!


wait, the rancidity of sweat
the groans and sanctimonies
the circumspect trespass of the unfaithful aurifex
plus a knot of vestiges of distaste

convoluted cormorant of the promiscuous and abhorrent

all in all, humped sinistrous, the lubricious epilogue


with venereal abrasive harmonies
of forensic intricate tautologies
and splenetic disconsolatingly erotic oxymorons
in prodigious scale the jewel’s been lost


and now the punctuated sequels

one, the voiding inaccessible
two, the tumescence borderline
three, the chaos of moths...

the fungal tropes
the atrophied hyperboles
the inharmonic knees

the anachronistic witness
his basket of fantasies

the epistemic orphan
the marooned ballerina

the erratic bucolic nonsense
the wrecked athlete

the benevolence of the deathbed

the enigmatic levity of distilled snow.
