divendres, 10 d’abril del 2009

s(knob)bery of the flesh

Still puzzled by all that, bodies with legs waning, melting as icicles, gone, renounced, irretrievable as the past.

knob of flesh
frightened stick of dynamite
persuasive pumice
in its nests scary acrid saccharins
clarinet that bristles
all sounds pronounced unfit

self-swollen cockroach who to heaven aims her shrillnesses
telepathic doodles interspersed in spasms of resentment
squirming jetsome in the atmospheres
a doozy of a twister wreaking havoc therein
the sky a brainless beast chivying a flock of panic-stricken sheep

at all this thunder stares the fool
slept off the scandal and the guilt
he greets in phony joy the thieving needles of his bed
of pareses and thorns

someday'll retaliate the beaming pawn
he shall smear his own funeral with a slew of risky subtleties
as I wasn't there here I ain't he'll say
or perhaps...
but nobody'll listen
nobody shall be there anyway
we are all dead as passing clouds who have the form of molten lead.

Gray birds disappearing in the distance, but were they ever even birds? Or just shades, distorsions of what's seen, discerned.

dijous, 9 d’abril del 2009


What's the meaning of that? Visions galore.

an ideal adventure
a perfect appointment
solace to groin
crosseyed invasion
black black black
murder in Avalon
isle of the bored
bring me a burnt cannibal
a dead cat
dead dead death no remedy
the cauldron - its stench
dirty emperor dead
framed in undying twilight
kiss du jour
the lady thrown into the pyre
Laura Laura Laura
pain of noise
bout of nausea while leaning on knob
the empire levelled then
moonlight deadly
the knob of night
odd man that walks into the red sun
red sun red sun
walks in
back back
back into his round room
runs shakes
frisky showgirls smile
is it his last dream
a starship a starship
alights in suburbia
the crew all teeth
teeth teeth teeth
ah cruel sea of their gasteropodous mouth
escapes suddenly
legs legs legs
the next girl
short span
the knob activated the ray
the ray the ray
she's hit limps falls
the man the man the man
into the snake pit in a tangle
a bunch a mess
ah unfaithful nature
how strange unfair our treatment
yes a far from ideal
a far from ideal adventure all told

And next a new page? Apparently. But who am I to judge?

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2009

poem impr(poop)mptu

How does one explain the following?

brunt of collision

cunt of brunette

nest of trucksters

streak of snot

tons of critics

crowns of tricksters

Who would pay (with crowns) for such cheap fare? An accident depicted with the aid of secretions....blood....mucus...menses...spleen....

Not worth, not worth. Damned critics, always exalting streaks of dreck.